In one, an unnamed woman reaches out to touch His cloak and is healed of the hemorrhages that afflicted her for twelve years. After she admits to touching His clothes, Jesus says, "Daughter, your faith has saved you." In the story that "sandwiched" the woman's story, a synagogue official named Jairus asks Jesus to come to his house to heal his twelve year old daughter. Jesus awakes the girl from death after telling Jairus "Do not be afraid; just have faith."
Jesus heals without hesitation. He did not ask either of them to perform a specific ritual first, nor to send a sacrifice to the Temple. He did not tell them that they were unworthy of such healing or that they had to perform some sort of service for Him in repayment. In fact, for Jairus, He specifically tells him (and everyone else) not to talk about what had happened. For Jesus, the healing was enough; their faith was enough.
I struggle with myself, unworthily comparing my faith to the perceived faith of others. It's a dangerous mindset to have; in fact, it's one that Jesus specifically warns against in His teachings. This Gospel of Mark does not compare the faiths displayed by the woman and Jairus. It doesn't even mention the faith of Jairus' daughter. There's not a particular level of faith that is needed to deserve Jesus' attention.
You just ... gotta have faith, faith, faith.