-People keep falling for phishing scam posts on Facebook (and probably other sites) despite the obvious (at least, to me) indicators.
-As I predicted, our healthcare premiums went up substantially again this year. A good deal of this increase was avoidable, but people acted in short-term greedy interests and are now paying the costs (literally) of those poor choices.
-Sockeye really likes that my desk is in the living room and frequently purrs her appreciation.
-We had a rare, violent thunderstorm pass through our area on the day of Homecoming.
-Rowen really showed his moves during the Homecoming dance. Connor seemed to enjoy the dance--if not as enthusiastically.
-Autumn fell upon us well before its equinox, but around its normal time.
-My grandchildren have enjoyed joining in with my exercise routine--at least, some of the time.
-I enjoyed playing through Hogwarts Legacy and am interested in playing a sequel should one come out.
-My grandchildren have had two minor, but expensive, emergency department trips that have raised my ire towards America's healthcare system even more.
-An service trip to Anchorage turned into a full family outing.
-My blood pressure was almost high enough to make it so I couldn't donate blood this month. Just thinking about it stresses me out.
-I put up the decorative autumn lights.
-I started replaying The Ghost of Tsushima with Japanese voice acting (and loving it) just before the sequel (which looks amazing!) was announced.
-We've had a bunch of moose visiting for their evening dining pleasure.
-I took my DDF (drama, debate, and forensics) team up to Chugiak for their first tournament of the year. They all seemed to have a great time (even Connor)!
-Topic Dump count: 3. Hmmm ... It felt like I relied on Topic Dump posts more often than I actually did.
Today, just before I closed out the Japan trip, we filled the last seat on the bus. In celebration, I entered my passport information as well as the information for the younger two boys. We're only a little more than five months away. I guarantee that it will be more on my mind in these coming months.