Of course this person is terrible, you think. I mean, look at them! And thus we sink to the one of the lowest human qualities of judging based off of appearance.
Now, this does not mean that people with different political beliefs than yours have not said things that you don't agree with, or might even make your blood boil. However, what these memes and stories do is exaggerate (and exacerbate) the situation to ensure that communication, compromise, and cooperation are off the table. They are DESIGNED to do this.
How do you take down the greatest country in the world--the country with the largest economy, the largest army, and the largest impact on global culture? You get its citizens to do it for you. You make it look like the gulf between them is insurmountable. And you wait.
This is not a crackpot conspiracy theory. The Russians have been caught (pardon the expression) red-handed. Beware then if you read posts that make you believe that other Americans are the enemy, that lead you to dehumanize them, or that outright insult them. When you pass those ideas on, you are playing right into the Russians' hands.
The solution? When you come across information that makes your blood boil, think of your response like the Force. Luke asks, "But how am I to know the good side from the bad?" Yoda answers, "You will know ... when you are calm, at peace, passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defence, NEVER for attack."
We are great when we work together, even when we argue. As Lincoln warned when he quoted from scripture, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."