Our hearts can only beat a billion times. Now that I can conceptualize a billion better, this is not as horrifying of a statistic as it was when I was ten. The presenter was trying to emphasize the need for people to have healthy hearts which don't need to beat as often, keeping a lower pulse when active or at rest. For me, it was like someone had put a countdown over my head. I could feel every beat of my heart and I even panicked that when I tried to slow it down, it only seemed to speed up.
My grandfather died of a heart attack at a relatively young age--one of the reasons I will never smoke a cigarette. I knew that it was a constant concern of my father, who had been fatherless since the age of thirteen. As I have gotten older, it has become more of a concern for me as well. When I was told that I couldn't give blood because my blood pressure was too high ... well ..., my blood pressure got higher.
Last night, having just finished a rather exhilarating match of Starcraft, I lay in bed unable to sleep due to the pounding of my heart. Again, attempts to slow it only seemed to make it beat faster. I could hear the presenter warn about a billion beats being our heart's upper limit. I thought about the medications that they put people on for high blood pressure and the medications they then put people on to counteract the first set of medicine's side affects.
I need to listen to my heart. I need to get healthier.