Having friends and family who are supportive and who put up with my quirks.
My wife (her mind, her soul, and her body ... mmm mmm ... her body)
Not needing to repair or replace any major appliances
Gaining a new appreciation for my job and profession
My carpool buddy
Mera: my new Toyota Prius
My student teachers
New Dungeons and Dragons players and adventures
Other people willing to DM
People using (and liking) my D&D 3.5/3.6 spreadsheets
Assassin's Creed II (all three) and IV
Skyrim (still)
Bioshock Infinite and its DLC
Video games in general
Dropping gas prices
Not living in a community that actively destroys itself
New computer monitors
Upgraded hard drives
Having a smartphone
My church choir
Pope Francis
Comfortable shoe inserts
Flat dill pickles on sandwiches
Superhero movies (especially Guardians of the Galaxy)
Superhero TV shows (especially the Flash)
The LEGO movie
Extended Hobbit movies
My children playing games together
A loving God
There is undoubtedly more. I have been extraordinarily blessed this year and in my life. I pray that I continue to be thankful for the marvelous people and events that help to make me a better person.