The storms last night terrified me as no others had done before. Generally, I enjoy these demonstrations of nature's fury and awesome might, but when the storm woke me at about 2AM, I was filled with a strange fear. It was when I went for my iPad to check on the radar (and blinded myself in the process) that the storm kicked up to a new level and I immediately set out to take my family to the basement. A sick feeling washed over me as I realized that my earlier delay may have cost my family their lives had this been an actual tornado. Again, it was only through God's grace that this storm which caused so much destruction was not more damaging.
I need to learn to be more thankful for what I have been given. No real damage befell our house (nor the homes of our neighbors). While we did not have power, my parents and my sister did, so we had places to go to both stay connected to the rest of the world as well have as have access to modern conveniences such as running water and electricity. The local store had just received a fresh shipment of dry ice this morning (they are normally out right away during such outages). Although expensive, the dry ice made it so all of our refrigerated and frozen food stayed in good condition.
And, of course, our power was back on tonight. Sometimes it takes trials and tribulations (both large and small) to remind us of the true blessings that we have in our lives.