1. Aside from the driveway and the area immediately around the house, there is no level ground.
2. I have no idea where our back yard ends and our neighbors' yards begin.
3. We have a portion of a small pond.
4. There are moose trails everywhere (Janelle even saw two of them cross in front of our house the other day).
5. Those moose trails are loaded with moose poop.
6. Connor loves saying the phrase "moose poop."
7. Rowen doesn't like it when Connor says "moose poop."
8. Connor likes to irritate Rowen.
9. There are trees and fallen trees everywhere.
10. The boys love walking across fallen trees.
11. I am not as good at walking across fallen trees as my boys.
12. My ankle doesn't appreciate my fallen-tree-walking attempts.
13. There are places on the property where, although there are homes all around, I can't see any sign of human habitation.
14. We love our yard.