I also don't have my break plotted out. There are a few big events: Janelle's trip to Wyoming, my trip to Missouri, and a couple of people's trips up here to visit us. However, aside from them, there is a lot that is not scheduled: we haven't decided on which football or basketball camps that Connor is attending, we haven't figured out our schedule for getting him too and from his summer conditioning, my D&D group has not set a regular schedule through the summer, and I haven't made any real plans regarding movie marathons.
That last one is bothering me. With COVID having lessened, setting up movie marathons should be easier, but I'm just not sure what to watch and how wide I should open the invitations. Also, there's the question of what to watch. I rewatched the Spider-Man movies leading up to No Way Home back in December, but I still want to rewatch the other shows (Daredevil) and movies (Dr. Strange and the MCU Spider-Man appearances) and then watch No Way Home yet again. I also still have the Snyder Cut of Justice League to watch ... as well as dozens of other movies still in cellophane. Plus, I would like to introduce my sons to the wondrous Disney musicals of the 90s. So many choices ...
Into all of this, I also have plans to use this summer to publish my research (before it's too late), clean up my office and garage, cut down even more beetle-killed trees, and start a regular exercise program up again. You know ... all of the things I just mentioned sound like the sorts of things that I like to think about doing, but also tend to put off. Maybe knowing (even if subconsciously) that there are only a few days before I should start working on them is enough of a reason for me to feel that I am not ready for summer break.