Here's what I had to say then (as written):
February 27, 1988 Saturday
My first entree into my journal! Today was a comedy of errors as my Godmother Aunt Francie, said "God must have a sence of humor" first of all only Aunt Francie, Cory, and April came, second the mass went queer when Nancy (CCD director) told us to get in a special order she thought it would stay that way, it didn't, everyone was messed up. Just before mass started the flower in front of the alter began to fall down (Father Ben really didn't like that), in the end it just all fell apart, then the insence set on fire which drove everyone crazy, and last after mass we discovered nobody had their camera along (just like what happened at Loud's that same day) but at least it all turned out right.
I'm shuddering a bit at the run-on sentences. My spelling has not so much improved over time as I now have spell-check to save me. I also remember a bit more about the day than I wrote down. First, I was terrified of the Bishop. We had been told that the Bishop was going to test us on the lessons we were supposed to have learned in our confirmation class. When he came up to me, I was certain he was going to ask about the Sorrowful Mysteries because I kept screwing them up.
I clearly remember the floral arrangement coming apart. It was held together with some sort of foam, and someone decided that it needed watering just before the Confirmation. This dissolved the foam that was holding it together just as the celebration was going to start.
The incense catching fire is an interesting sign considering that the descent of the Holy Spirit was seen as tongues of fire. I remember one of the several priests (or perhaps a deacon) swinging the thurible (I looked its name up) around the altar with smoke pouring out of it. He turned and swung it in front of the Bishop once, twice, and then stopped suddenly. All of the celebrants bent down to look at the same time and suddenly jumped back in unison as flames shot straight up--well over their heads. I don't remember what happened next, but the church didn't burn down, so they must have dealt with it.
That's about it. I remember the chrism oil smelling strange and wanting to wash it off. I remember later posing for a picture in front of the church and everyone realizing that no one had a camera. I know that we went to "Loud's"--the name we used for the Parlour at my request as it was my favorite place to eat in the world, but I remember little else about the day. I didn't feel different; in fact, the experience was rather anti-climatic.
As Father said today, the power of the Holy Spirit does not always come obviously or suddenly. In my case, it developed softly over time. It had the irresistible force of the Breath of Life wearing down my heart of stone.