This year seems to be more brutal than normal. It seems that if either of two main parties' candidates should win the election, the horn announcing armageddon will sound, the seals with be broken, a third of the world will be covered in blood, dogs and cats will be living together ... well, you've heard the rest.
If I may, I would like to go on the record as to say that none of those things are going to happen (Although our puppies and Ranger are starting to get along. Satin? Not so much, so we should be safe.). I would also like to point out that someone isn't an idiot just because they don't support your candidate. For that matter, they aren't an idiot if they are supporting the candidate you hate.
People have their reasons for supporting (or not supporting) who they want. Now, don't get me wrong, the Wizard's First Rule is that people are stupid (more specifically: they are more willing to accept a convenient lie than a difficult truth). There are also plenty of people supporting their own selfish interests.
Unfortunately, if we just label the other side(s) as stupid and make no attempt at dialogue or understanding, we lose a part of our own humanity. Our country has amazing potential, so often squandered by petty stubbornness. Please don't attack others or demean them simply because you disagree with their politics. Please don't make the mistake of thinking someone is stupid just because they dare to disagree with you.
You're an idiot if you do.