So much of my life revolves around having power. Today, we've watched television, played video games, responded to emails, and ... well .. . written this blog. Considering my dependence on using the bathroom in my home, my tendency to stay up past sunset, and my desire to stay warm, I tend to put a lot of trust into having power.
I have looked into several options to ensure that we would have power no matter the weather. The truth is that none of them are really that dependable. Solar cells rely on the sun. Wind turbines aren't much use without the wind. Even portable generators are dependent upon getting an adequate amount of fuel.
Considering that electricity is basically a manipulation of the Earth's magnetic field, one would think that free and easy power supplies would be easy to come by. In the moments when I am more easily influenced by the conspiratorial side of my mind, I wonder if power companies know of such any easy solution to the world's energy needs, but have convinced us that one doesn't exist. After all, Tesla certainly claimed that such an idea was possible: wireless, free electricity. Yeah, that would be nice.
... I need to find some wood to knock on ...