We also made our weekly run to the library today. Trevor was particularly eager to do so as the book he's been waiting for finally came in. Rowen picked out his usual pile of books, leaning heavily towards Dr. Seuss this trip. Connor came back empty-handed as the books he wanted weren't there, but a friendly librarian helped him put them on hold when they do arrive. I, alas, am still doing reading for the classes that I had originally planned to finish during spring break (I hardly touched them). When I do get the chance, I plan on rereading Robin Hobb's Assassin's Apprentice series again as Trevor recently finished it for the first time and Janelle has been giggling her way through it since then. I know that we own the series, but it is most likely in boxes back in Michigan.
Meanwhile, I put together and anchored the bookcases in the living room and began emptying the boxes of movies and video games that we brought with us. The shelves are deep enough to have two rows, so I've been using some of the styrofoam pieces from our packing materials to give a little step to the back rows. On the few shelves I've gotten to, it's had a nice effect even if not all of the titles are showing.
I'm happiest about repairing the decorative well in the middle of our driveway. It must have collapsed sometime this winter with several of its pieces lying on the ground for months. It had looked so pathetic with its roof and crank sitting in the mud. With Trevor holding it up, I used a number of wood screws to put the pieces back together and strengthen some of the other parts that looked ready to go. It's not the most professional job, but it worked. Having it fixed brings a charming effect that adds a certain appeal to the entire place.