The primary desire of Christianity--aside from worshipping God--is to live in a hospitable world--one that can be enjoyed for all of eternity. I liked how our deacon pointed out the many ways that people can (and do) demonstrate that hospitality here and now as a reflection or perhaps preview of the future world. For me, I believe that it is essential that we work at making (and keeping) our world hospitable, that we provide and maintain hospitality for others, and that we take the time to enjoy the hospitality that has been offered to us.
The Gospel reading was a bit harder as it talked about being willing to leave behind family to follow Jesus. Jesus was clearly warning about the divide that was about to happen in the Jewish community during (and soon after) His lifetime. However, this idea still rings true today. Religious divides are still common in families in the world today--just as they were back then. I believe that truly embracing the teachings of Jesus means to move away from just doing what you had been taught as a child and fully examining them for yourself. My experience with Jesus is a path that is different from others; it is not a path that can be taught, but one that must be found.
As missionaries of Christ, we are to help other people find their own path to His Way. This means becoming welcoming and helpful. It means demonstrating the hospitality of Christ.