Home-brewed Rules and Misc.
Before getting into too much of my own craziness, here is a spreadsheet that I use for my characters in D&D 3.5.
I have updated the sheet so it looks more like my 3.6 spreadsheet. I have play-tested it to a limited degree, and some 3.6 calculations might linger, but it should be all set. The spreadsheet uses Google Docs. If you want to use the spreadsheet for your own character, you will need to click on the link and then make a copy.
I have also stolen a spreadsheet for adventure record-keeping from one of my friends. It's easy to use and keeps people up-to-date on what happened from adventure to adventure, which is nice for me since there are sometimes months between gaming sessions. I call it the Adventure Journal.
As the title of this section suggests, I took my favorite gaming system (D&D 3.5) and melded it with some other ideas to create what I call D&D 3.6. I couldn't stand playing in 4th edition D&D, but some of 3.5's rules didn't make sense to me. I have also added a few features from the fifth edition of D&D (which has a nice system, but it's a little under-powered for the campaigns that I run). Feel free to use what you want from my Home-brewed D&D 3.6.
I have also stolen a spreadsheet for adventure record-keeping from one of my friends. It's easy to use and keeps people up-to-date on what happened from adventure to adventure, which is nice for me since there are sometimes months between gaming sessions. I call it the Adventure Journal.
As the title of this section suggests, I took my favorite gaming system (D&D 3.5) and melded it with some other ideas to create what I call D&D 3.6. I couldn't stand playing in 4th edition D&D, but some of 3.5's rules didn't make sense to me. I have also added a few features from the fifth edition of D&D (which has a nice system, but it's a little under-powered for the campaigns that I run). Feel free to use what you want from my Home-brewed D&D 3.6.
Life is much easier with the 3.6 rules when using the 3.6 spreadsheet (especially the "bloodied" condition and the calculation of skill scores, AC, etc.). Keep in mind the color-coding: pink = can change at any time, yellow = can change when the character levels, blue = only entered once, grey or purple = DO NOT CHANGE as they contain formulas. Like the 3.5 sheet, this spreadsheet uses Google Docs. If you want to use the spreadsheet for your own character, you will need to click on the link and then make a copy.