However, I have long wanted to see the sights of Rome and Athens for myself. I especially want to share this experience with students so that they get to physically be a part of the greater world. Hopefully, having an experience like this will allow them to grow up with less fear of such a trip as I currently have, as well as a greater appreciation for the Italian and Greek peoples and cultures.
Already, I find that I've been making mistakes in advertising and trying to recruit for this trip. It seems like right after I do or say something, I get a reminder from the trip advisor not to say or do that very thing. As I really want to set up an ongoing program of foreign travel for our students with a historical focus, I'm terrified that I'm going to screw this up.
Still my excitement often overrides my caution, and my naive optimism insists that everything is going to turn out wonderfully as my students and I will have the chance to stand in awe of the skill and scale of ancient artists and architects.