Connor and Rowen had a great time running from house to house trick-or-treating in their ninja and Captain America costumes (respectively) . We really didn't know the normal routes, so we started in Becky Applebee's neighborhood which, although it did not have many people trick-or-treating, had a surprising number of houses that were handing out treats. Unfortunately, Soldotna does not have the "leaving the lights on" signal or any other sign for which houses passed our treats and which didn't. A few houses did have signs that said they did not celebrate Halloween and a couple of house lights turned off after the boys knocked on the doors, but otherwise it was a fairly good experience.
We found the bulk of trick-or-treaters when we decided to swing by our church which was offering hot dogs and hot chocolate as well as a place to warm up. The road our church is on was packed with parked cars and crowds of costumed people. Actually, although we did stop at the church, there were entirely too many people for us, and we tried a different neighborhood that I thought a coworker had told be about. I must have gotten the name wrong, for only one house was handing out candy; however, there was a nice fog coming off the snow there, lending to a perfect Halloween ambiance.
We capped off the night by drinking hot cocoa, eating popcorn, and watching the Addams Family movie, which everyone seemed to enjoy. We did have a few conversations over the course of the movie to talk about some of the on screen antics with Connor and Rowen. They both seemed receptive to the discussions.
Although I missed getting to directly see my nieces and nephews while handing out candy to the many trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood (as was our usual tradition these past years), I feel that we had a good Halloween.