I started the month with my shoulder still hurting after my low-speed accident. Thankfully, it is doing much better now even if I don't yet have 100% mobility. Mera's reconstruction (even though we have received our insurance money) will be longer as the body shop didn't have an opening until mid May.
Our Starlink connection has gotten both better and worse. The satellite holes are definitely shorter as more satellites are getting into position. Unfortunately, their rotation has put one of them squarely into the time slot that we tend to use to watch our streaming shows. I'm looking forward to the service continuing to improve.
Our security cameras got enough light for their solar panels to fully charge them. It got a little close this winter, but it looks like this system will work year round without needing me to take them inside to charge. At least, that should be the case for a few years.
Daylight Saving Time has shown its ugly head yet again.
I finally got to see (and extremely enjoy) the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once just before I won seven awards at the Oscars.
I became oddly dependent on my new PopSocket to hold my phone.
Most of this month was focused on the preparation before, execution of, and recovery from the fantastic trip to Rome and Athens. None of the hiccups (not even the one that stranded me in France for a day) diminished this trip in any way. I don't even have a favorite part as all of it was so wonderful. To my knowledge, everyone on the trip felt that it went even better than they had expected it could possibly go.
The travel home really wiped me out (my left ear has still not fully recovered), but I did enjoy watching three movies on the plane: Ticket to Paradise, Strange World, and Bullet Train.
I already started planning my next group trip to take place in Japan during Spring Break of 2025.
We had to dig out the cabin and dog yard again as the weather has warmed up enough for break up to begin.
My DDF team had a blast performing their Readers Theater to a receptive audience at the Talent Show. I stepped in for one member of the cast who could not attend and was clearly told that I did fine, but not as good as the student who normally has the role.
Finally, I have been sucked into--much to Janelle's consternation--The Lands Between in the video game Elden Ring. While I am starting to enjoy the game more and understand the appeal, I'm still not fully a fan of this type of punishing game experience--however, I am clearly a glutton for punishment as I keep wanting to delve back in.