Anyway, as a more veteran teacher, I do my best to stay at least a week ahead. While I'm not scrambling to read through the material like I was in the past (since I have read it before), I try not to refresh my mind on it too far in advance lest I forget key information once it actually comes time to discuss it with my students. As for grades, thanks to the real-time updating of our online grade program, I make it my policy to update them at least once a week (which still doesn't satisfy students and parents who seem to want the grades updated the moment the student hands the paper over to me). This way, I'm not spending the weekend before grades are due desperately grading piles of work (and making not entirely insincere prayers for the piles to spontaneously combust).
Even so, I still have to fight the procrastinator within me, often delaying video games or other such pleasures (sometimes sleep) until I have my work accomplished. Speaking of which, I just finished updating my grades, so I think it's time to get some much needed sleep.