I've had a similar feeling in my life lately. I know that I can make it, but it feels like I'm having to force my way uphill while slick grooves try to pull my from the path. Life just feels like more of a battle than normal, and I've got it pretty easy. The sacrifices requested of me are not like the test given to Abraham in today's reading.
What am I willing to sacrifice to demonstrate my devotion to God? It seems kind of harsh to have to be required to sacrifice anything. However, don't all of our relationships require some level of sacrifice? To truly show devotion to a loved one, we must give up some of our own self-interest. The end result provides rewards greater than what we have given, but that does not make the sacrifice any less difficult.
The path is difficult: steep, slippery, and treacherous. It is literally a slippery slope that requires me to push against the normal gravity. Yet it is worth getting to the top.