I'm glad that God gives me what I need and not what I wish for as I really enjoyed this concert (as I do every year). While I didn't like this year's policy of keeping parents waiting by making them drop off their junior high students, and I probably should have kept my mouth shut after hearing an older gentleman rant about the need to close our borders because of Ebola, the music was fantastic. The band program at Northwest is absolutely amazing (the choir program is top-notch as well)! These kids performed college level music in marching uniforms and still managed to move that part of my soul that only good music can touch.
Music education is so important for children (adults too, for that matter). It teaches them things that simply can't be taught in any other subject. Some of these things are tangible, such as practicing to perfection and understanding music, while others are much deeper, like how to pull a person's emotions with the sound of great songs.