My back, which was causing me pain throughout most of October, finally recovered. Now I just need to get back into the exercise habit that suffered as a result of the injury.
We saw, and enjoyed, Thor: Ragnarok and Justice League. The first is better than the latter, but I quite enjoyed both of them.
We received our first major snowfall, and the boys and I have been taking regular advantage of our sled run as a result.
Trevor had his stage debut as Charles the cat/coachman in his high school's musical, Cinderella. He did a great job and is eagerly looking forward to being in the next play.
I finished the fall term at Walden, putting me one step closer to my EdD in Educational technology.
Janelle and I watched the Netflix Iron Fist series. It's certainly the weakest of the Marvel shows on Netflix, but I'm still glad we saw it. We also have started watching the Punisher series, which has been one of the best. Meanwhile, the boys and I finished season 4 of Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and loved it. We are eager to see what they do with season 5 (once it comes out on Netflix).
We had a nice "Thanksgiving" dinner the Wednesday before Thanksgiving as a family, and another great dinner on Thanksgiving with friends.
We survived Black Friday with much of what we wanted to get while still spending less than in past years.
The dogs beat up Janelle (with the help of the garage).
I started playing Horizon: Zero Dawn and am loving it.
There was certainly more that happened, but that is all that comes to mind at the moment. I have to say that December is already shaping up to be a great month too. Hopefully it will be so for everyone.