At least some portion of my sleeplessness is due to the aches of the cross-fit program I've been following. While I quite enjoyed the obstacle course yesterday, the ankle that I "rolled" back in July has been acting up. Still, I'm much less sore than I was the first couple of weeks. Granted, I was reminded today that I was still doing my box jumps at the "girls' height."
I know that another part of this insomnia is that my mind has been constantly in the "on" position while thinking about lessons, finances, housing, and the upcoming holidays. I know I should worry less and trust more, but I can't help but try to plan.
And at least a portion of the problem is that I screwed up a portion of the last song that I performed for a graduation service on Sunday. That particular line has been running round and round my head, taunting me ever since. Otherwise, the service went quite well. I received one of my favorite compliments on my singing: those in attendance said they felt like I helped them sing better.
I'm too tired to think of a good wrap-up for this post at the moment. Maybe I'll be better rested tomorrow.