It still does not feel quite real. I've worked towards earning the moniker of Dr. Marks for over five years (and had thought and dreamed about it well before then), yet it somehow still feels like more ethereal than substantial. The six Dinobots and multiple Post-It notes sitting in front of me as I write this are a mute testament these past five years of work, but although I can touch them, the moment still feels strange.
Five of those Dinobots can combine together to form one big robot: Volcanicus. I will not do so until I have my diploma in hand. These Dinobots each symbolize the major steps in my journey; together, these steps lead to that diploma. It is not an accident that I chose these particular toys as my rewards throughout the process. With this latest addition of Grimlock, the other pieces will finally be able to come together (except for Slash, but I didn't know that at the time that I bought her).
As a figure, Grimlock does not disappoint. His designers did a wonderful job of paying homage to the original Generation One (G1) toy as well as the cartoon series while still making him capable of literally holding the other Dinobots together. He towers over the other Dinobots in a way that his G1 model did not, just as this step in my journey towers over the other still-significant steps that I took.
It's been a good day.