Sure, Grizz and Sockeye have left kitty surprises a couple of times already. I also now have tiny scratches on my legs, arms, and chest ... not out of any maliciousness on their part, but from when they are using me as a jungle gym, or just trying to climb into my lap or onto my shoulder or onto the table as they are quite "food aggressive." That, and I really need to watch my step, especially in the morning, since they love to be literally underfoot.
However, these kittens have been a tremendous joy. I've found myself spending more time just sitting back in one of our comfortable chairs as one or the other (or both) purr while lying on or next to me. Similarly, I've been taking time to sit on the floor and animate their cat toys so I can watch them preform their amazing acrobatic feats. It's particularly precious that Grizz will follow me around, meowing, until I pick him up--at which point, he nuzzles and purrs, occasionally giving me "kisses" with his nose. Sockeye, being a month older we now know, tries to act much more dignified, so her decisions to snuggle up are even more special.
We had waited to get cats due to the trauma and difficulties involved when our previous cats passed away. It was the right decision at the time. Now, we appreciate these little treasures all the more.