When the parties are forced to talk with one another, debate, and perhaps even compromise, it seems that the government moves forward on items that the majority of the governed can agree on while axing down the more revolutionary elements. I believe that discussion and negotiation (as well as transparency) are the hallmarks of a healthy nation. I worry when any single political party dominates the branches of government and squashes debate.
The thing is, I think we need to talk our problems out. There has been a great deal of name-calling and abuse that has built up walls around various ideologies and people. I feel that the past few elections have shown that Americans are a diverse people with passionate opinions who feel that their voices are not being heard (which has led to more yelling and screaming).
The foundation of love is understanding, and right now we are not making an effort to understand each other. This does not mean accepting vile or abusive behavior or even stances that go against our moral beliefs. Rather, it means taking the time to listen, to discuss, and to learn from one another.
And if you don't agree with that, then I'm not talking to you anymore ...