Yet I've been struggling to get out of bed lately and spending large amounts of my rather limited time staring off into space as though I could construct a better future through sheer force of will. The increasing requirements of the two courses that I am taking feel like hoops more than learning opportunities (but, then, I felt that about many courses I've taken for my other degrees as well). Add to that the sadness I've felt for every time a student has asked me if I am going to coach hurdles this year and ... well, there I go wallowing.
I had the kids at Faith Formation singing Dona Nobis Pachem in preparation for the Sunday after Easter. The phrase is Latin for "grant us peace." I think of River in the movie Serenity praying, "Please God, make me [like] a stone" when she's battling all of the mental images that tear at her sanity. I do not wish to feel nothing, but rather to feel wrapped in the peaceful assurance that this is all following God's plan. Dona Nobis Pachem.