I had long considered the ERA to be a redundant, and thus unnecessary, version of the 14th Amendment. However, it turns out that a Supreme Court with an exactingly strict interpretation of the Amendment can (and just has) ruled that it only applies to "privileges" (i.e. rights) specifically outlined in the Constitution and its Amendments. The ERA (being a more modern document) is more specific in those rights and privileges are.
At least, that's my interpretation. Perhaps someone with a more extensive understanding of our legal system could shed light on it.
A point of clarification: I am still unapologetically pro-life and believe that abortion is an abomination, victimizing both child and mother. However, to me, being pro-life means doing better than making laws of punishment, but actively seeking the well-being of all people. In this case, I believe that the recent ruling does not do what most people (on both sides) think that it does, and instead creates a clear danger to our republic and our rights as its citizens.