Although I'm still partially shivering from the experience, I had a good time. Having a list of all of the events and participants goes a long way to making track meets more enjoyable, let alone understandable. I did feel a little useless. The hurdle events were first and there wasn't anything for me to do other than cheer my team on anyway. Once that was done, I just stood around cheering on the other events and watching students in the stands.
Our hurdlers did well; although not many placed, no one hit, let alone fell, from their runs. Only one student missed out on his race and that was due to lane confusion which I did not know needed to be sorted. Basically, no one died or was injured, which is a big win in my book.
Now that I think on it, I realize that this is what my Fridays will be until nearly the end of school. It's strange how fast time has passed by. I feel like I just started coaching hurdle yesterday, but it's been ten days (not counting the weekend). It is true that time flies when you're having fun.