... But I digress ...
Many of the costumes were quite well thought-out and executed this year. I had so many favorites that I almost didn't like having to narrow down my votes for the costume contest. I would say that at least a third of my students dressed up. It was only thanks to Janelle that I remembered to bring any candy at all for our Trick-or-Treat break, but as I only had ninety pieces, I reserved handing them only to students who were in costume. I felt bad about this because it meant that I got a little particular about what I accepted as a costume, and even then, I ran out of candy when there were still many more costumed students who did not get a piece.
I used the excuse to dress up in my Renaissance outfit. I had another costume ordered a while ago, but it still hasn't even shipped as of yet. Still, my Renaissance garb is like an old friend. Thankfully, it also has the option of opening up the sides to better accommodate the three years of girth that I have added since the last time I wore it.
This evening, Rowen went out (dressed as a post-apocalyptic survivor?) with one of his friend's family and seemed to have a good time (he also lovingly remembered his father and brought back a bag of popcorn for me). Connor did a chemistry experiment in the "spirit of Halloween" for extra credit. Meanwhile, we had our first ever Trick-or-Treaters (four of them) at our own house. One of the neighborhood parents organized a list of Halloween-friendly houses on Facebook this year, and we said that we were willing to participate. I said earlier that I had so many favorite costumes, but the children who came to our door topped the list. There was a particularly well-dressed Wednesday Addams with a giggling mermaid as her little sister.
I also received many wonderful pictures of my grandchildren in their costumes. For some reason, Alistair's dragon outfit reminds me of when Rowen was dressed as a tiger and was roaring at everyone. Even though Irene was dressed in a beautiful Belle costume, the crown she wore made it so most people thought that she was the princess and Alistair was the dragon who guarded her--which I think is adorable.