While it lacks the polish of BoTW and adds in a few annoyances, Fenyx Rising is actually better in some respects, particularly in the narration. BoTW is largely a lonely adventure with conversations few and far between; meanwhile, Fenyx's story is full of commentary, particularly in the humorous bickering between Prometheus and Zeus who are narrating Fenyx's adventure. Although some of the voice-acting (and writing) got on my nerves, the humor hits more than it misses.
I entirely completed the main game and have started on the DLCs (the first of which has been enjoyable, but not as good as the main game). I enjoyed the combat and puzzles throughout, with the exception of some challenges which required a precision that the controls do not always provide. This meant multiple (sometimes dozens) of attempts on the same section with checkpoints frustratingly far apart until I was lucky enough to avoid any mishaps.
As nice as the graphics are, there were times when the colors worked against the gameplay while still not seeming as crisp as BoTW. Still, it is an enjoyable game that makes the wait for BoTW2 more bearable. I recommend it for any fantasy/adventure fan.