There are twelve spending bills that need to be passed (or some sort of short-term spending resolution) before the end of the week if the government is not going to shut down. A package of these bills--which includes the bargained spending limits agreed upon to avert the debt ceiling "crisis"--was already passed with an overwhelming bipartisan vote in the Senate. McCarthy has refused to bring them to a vote in the House (where they would likely also pass) because far-right nut-job ReTrumpAgains have threatened to remove him as Speaker if he does. The Republican Party, once led by Lincoln who said that the "house divided against itself cannot stand," has divided against itself in the House.
Almost comically, right-wing "news" sources are trying to spin this as the fault of Democrats. Sound bites from House "hearings" are leading those who only listen to right-wing sources to believe that President Biden is going to be impeached (which is unlikely with the House this divided) and removed from office (which simply won't happen if for no other reason than the Senate wouldn't make that vote) soon. Trump has taken to social media to say that the public will only blame the President for the shutdown, so Republican had might as well shut it down.
I would like to think that the American people are smarter than the Republicans are hoping that they are.