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I was absolutely amazed at the show's attention to detail. As an example, in this final episode, there are three different shots of the Vader's Star Destroyer (the Devastator) which are direct callbacks to the three original movies. In the first one, the Devastator is shown chasing and shooting at the rebel ship from above at the same angle used in the original movie. In the second one, Obi-Wan's smaller ship is zigzagging away while the Devastator is shooting at it; both of them are heading directly towards the camera, just like the Millennium Falcon did as it was trying to escape a Star Destroyer In The Empire Strikes Back just before they too found out that their hyperdrive was still not working. The third shot is a mirrored shot from Return of the Jedi of Vader's shuttle leaving a Star Destroyer.
There are more callbacks throughout, and I know that I could not catch them all. Some of the biggest ones for me was the sound of Vader's breathing after he was injured, Obi-Wan lifting the rocks like Rey did in The Last Jedi, Obi-Wan calling Vader "Darth" as a taunt, Palpatine's deep voice change as he mocked Vader, and--of course--Obi-Wan's "Hello there." It's that last one which really caught my attention because it shows that the show runners were ahead of the game from the start.
Unlike other shows that make sometimes make adjustments based on audience feedback, this show was a complete package from the moment the first two episodes released. All six of these episodes were completed before fans or reviewers could see any of them. Yet, it's as though the creators anticipated the reactions from fans--even their harsher critics--and intentionally addressed them later in the show. People are complaining that Reva's character is overly rage-filled and seemed out of control compared to the other inquisitors? ... Well, it turns out that she was channeling her rage in an attempt to get her revenge on Vader for killing her youngling friends. People are complaining that the show retconned Rebels by killing off the Grand Inquisitor before he could appear on that show? ... Well, it turns out that, not only was he not dead, but that his "death" was part of drawing Reva's revenge plan out in the open now that she had served her purpose. People are complaining that Obi-Wan hasn't said his meme worthy "Hello there." ... Well, they were saving it for the absolute perfect moment.
There is so much more. This show was deep, beautiful, and fun to watch. I'd love to have a conversation or twelve with you about it. I certainly want to watch it again. I think that I might want to watch the first two trilogies again before I do ... perhaps sandwiching these shows between them.