The game is worth playing. It encourages teamwork, with some puzzles requiring both planning and cooperation to be successfully completed. It is also full of Ratchet and Clank's signature humor. The comedy still does not reach the levels of this series' PS2 days, but it's the best from the PS3 era. Even the minor interactions between characters during the game play was continually amusing. Between the humor written into the game and the hijinks that come from a cooperative/competitive game, I continually found myself belly-laughing while playing it.
That does not mean that the game is without its faults. The control system is not the Ratchet and Clank controls that I know and love, and that often led to frustration when trying to get our characters to do what we wanted. The forced camera angle often made it hard to see the action, and that as well as some odd angles led to multiple unintentional deaths through the game. Sometimes the chaotic and frenetic action on screen led to completely losing track of our characters and dreading total party kills. Inevitably, that meant there was a lot of yelling between us as well.
Still, it was a fun game that the boys and I quite enjoyed.