Today is Divine Mercy Sunday. As was mentioned in today's homily, today we should remember that God's mercy is beyond human understanding. Many people are still stuck in the Old Testament, desiring the wrath of God to take vengeance upon everyone who dared to defy Him. However, the New Testament demonstrates that God's anger and wrath were not actually directed at sinners, but at sin itself, and the Devil who tempts us with it.
God calls us to be witnesses to His mercy, not just to glorify Him, but to make the world a better place. Our role is not point out the sins of others in the hopes that ours will be ignored, but to demonstrate the mercy God shows for us by showing mercy to those whom we feel do not deserve it. To be clear, this does not mean letting everyone do whatever they want whenever they want to, nor that people should not have face the consequences of their actions, but rather to recognize that people are going to mess up and will need mercy to help them move forward.
The Lord knows that I do.