I have been frustrated with the King Herods in our world today. Russia's leader claims that his bombing of Ukraine is part of a holy mission. Hungary's president has used "Christian values" to create draconian policies that curtail his citizens' rights. Multiple governors in the U.S. have claimed to follow "Christian ideals," but have then shipped immigrants to other states without ensuring that the naked are clothed, the hungry are fed, or that the strangers are welcomed.
Like Herod, they claim that they go and worship Christ, but then they use their power to do the exact opposite of what Christ would want. Meanwhile, mini-Herods support them. They vote for them and repeat their lies because it is the easier path.
Unlike Herod, the Magi demonstrate that the true believers of Christ are willing to travel vast distances and face many obstacles to do what is right. Are we set to go the distance for Christ? Or do we support those Herods who feign worship of Christ as a means to get what we want?