Today's homily focused on the idea that the Catholic faith is not one that focuses only on the world to come. Jesus did not give up His earthly body when He ascended into Heaven. Thus, the physical body must have meaning as well. Unlike some other religious belief systems, the Catholic faith does not attempt to separate the soul from the body. While the Church does warn about becoming too strongly attached to the pleasures of the flesh; it also emphasizes the need to be present in this world as well.
I see this in the mental and emotional realms too. It is too easy for me to get wrapped up in my thoughts or feelings to the exclusion of my spiritual or physical well-being. It is so important to find a balance between these components of my being, yet it is so difficult for me to do. As I focus on one area, another tends to be neglected; when I try to deal with that as well, something else falls out of place.
I don't think that anyone will ever get the balance just right. Perhaps it's more important that we realize that these various emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual needs exist and do our best to attend to them without overindulging in any of them. In this way, we help glorify God's creation and start to be more like Christ.