My favorite part from the readings today came when our deacon shared a new (for me) take on Jesus telling Peter to "Get behind me, Satan!" Clearly, Jesus is talking about Peter's expectations for a worldly Messiah being a temptation that Jesus must avoid to fulfill his role as the sacrificial victim to redeem humanity. However, our deacon suggested that telling Peter to "get behind" Him could also be a way of Jesus telling Peter that he needs to follow Jesus' teachings rather than wandering down his own path of expectations. Peter needs to realize that his glorious expectations of a militarily triumphant Messiah is "thinking not as God does, but as humans do."
In this, we are all admonished to look beyond our petty views of God and our expectations for Him. Instead of looking for our own gain, Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, take up our crosses, and to follow Him. At the time of judgment, it will not be as much of a question as to how me times we broke traditions as it will be how did we work at changing the world and improving the lives of those around us. We need to get behind Jesus to follow His lead.