Although I did not spend time doing anything other than felling them and cutting down their stumps, I was still surprised that I made it through so many trees on just the two batteries (which was good as I had forgotten to charge my third one after the last time I mowed the lawn). The new chain I was using seemed to be working quite well, cutting smoothly. It also helped that most of the trees fell the way I wanted them to with only a couple getting temporarily caught in the branches of other trees. Only one ended up falling in a completely unexpected direction and landed in the road. Although, I texted my sons to come help me, one of my neighbors (whom I had not met before) came over and helped me clear the debris from the road.
As I mentioned, I still have more to do just along the road, let alone down my driveway, around my house, and deeper in my forested property. I certainly have plenty of work still to do. If anyone wants some wood, you can take all that you can cut and carry.