How does one measure wealth? The amount of a certain type of currency? The weight of precious metals? The cut and size of rare gems? The scenic value of property? The number of times a person has gone to church? The number of people a person has helped? The quality of health and life?
In love?

Today, Janelle and I celebrated our twentieth wedding anniversary.
Our wedding was a small Catholic ceremony officiated by Father Jim Kolb in a Lutheran church. Desmond and Tina (with whom we have since lost contact) served as Best Man and Maid of Honor. Our youngest siblings, Rachel and Jon, completed our wedding party. My sister Jennifer sang for us. We had our guests throw bird seed instead of rice. The wedding cake was amazing and the reception didn't have dancing.
I won't go so far as to say that the years in between have all been wonderful. There were times when we did not always appreciate what we had. But we have always loved each other.
My bride: beautiful, creative, attentive, intelligent, caring, compassionate, and loving. All these traits have only increased in these past twenty years. While not all of our interests perfectly align, together we love our children, God, fantasy and sci fi, our friends and family, Catan and spades, quiet moments with each other, and mountains. The list can go on, but suffice it to say that I can think of no one else with whom I would want to share my life.
... I am such a rich man ... with the greatest wife in all the world ... I am such a wealthy man ...