The main blemish on the day was that I really lost my temper on one of my students, unleashing a full diatribe on the idiot. You see, the student in question had been randomly selected to be a part of today's discussion on the poem "The Unknown Citizen" by W.H Auden. He blurted out, "Nobody's even read this."
I ... had ... JUST ... finished ... reading ... it ... out ... loud ... to ... the ... class.
He had been present. I had twice reminded him to pay attention. Thus, I felt justified in releasing the full fury of my frustration at just how disrespectful someone would have to be to make such a claim. Furthermore, considering the disrespect shown, I felt no compunction in refraining from expressing just how thick-witted someone would have to be to make a comment such as he had given the circumstances.
The discussion actually went quite well after that.