For example:
1. Trevor's teachers had only positive things to say about him at conferences this year. School has been a struggle for him, so it was nice to see how much he has matured. I've always known he is an intelligent and genuinely good young man; it was nice to hear his teachers recognize this.
2. The fall colors are truly remarkable. I can't think of a fall that I have come to appreciate more. This past Tuesday, with a storm past us and another storm coming, an amazingly bright rainbow appeared, iridescent to the point that I could make out shades of purple and red at either end. Meanwhile, the darkened light made the yellows and oranges on the trees even more vibrant.
3. I received some wonderful compliments on my singing this week. I enjoy singing and I enjoy compliments, so having the two connected is always a joy. In truth, even thinking about it makes me want to sing.
The nice things don't have to be about you directly. They can even be bits of beauty or kindness that you have seen in the world. Trust me, this sort of reflection can really affect your mood ... which leads other people's moods being better ... which leads to more nice things to remember.