I returned to the tree today and cut two more segments from the bottom. Previously, the tree would shift but continue to rest on the other two trees. Unfortunately, that was not the case on the second cut as it came straight down before I expected it.
I scrambled back as one of the branches hit my head. Thankfully, I was wearing a helmet despite how dorky I've been told it makes me look. However, I lost my footing and came down hard on my butt. To add insult to injury, I landed on a previous section that I had cut that still had a stub pointed in the most unfortunate direction. It tore a hole through my jeans and left a sore spot that Janelle seemed to enjoy inspecting when she got home from work later in the day.
It certainly doesn't hurt as much as when I injured my coccyx when landing badly on a tennis court all those years ago. In fact, it's more of a nuisance than anything else, but it bothers me. Still, it could have been much worse.
... and no, I don't want any suggestions that I should have someone kiss it to make it feel better.