When Google Docs became available, one of my friends created a shared spreadsheet where he could input the experience points and treasure that we earned. Since it was a spreadsheet, he also made it so it calculated an even share for each character. He later added in a place for notes on the adventure and even a tab for players to put down something about their character's description.
These "adventure journals" have been a tremendous help as we have gamed through the years. Recently, we have even used them to share maps, images, notes, etc. rather than have the DM provide copies to everyone. While it still means passing around computers (or tablets) to those who don't have one, it also makes it so players can access the images from home if they want to give them a closer look.
I have a shared the adventure journal that I created based on my friend's original design. While I have included a link here, I have also put one on the Home-brewed Rules page of this website. I hope you find it helpful.