First of all, this is the final week of school. Due to snow days, we have school through this Thursday. I also have my last Baker class tomorrow and the Baker graduation to attend on Friday. Still, I decided to put my summer plans in motion immediately. During the summer, I get together at least once, if not twice, a week with my brother-in-law and his sons. That starts this Friday with the beginning of a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign that I am going to DM with him, my eldest son, and at least one other friend. I managed to get my hands on the Savage Tides campaign from (the now defunct) Dungeon Magazine. This will be my Friday ritual through the summer. Saturday we are meeting other friends and Sunday is a family day due to Father's Day.
Second, I already signed up for a rather interesting three day conference next week on viewing continuity and change in World History by examining several major world cities and how they developed over time. I'm pretty excited about the conference even if it takes a chunk out of the first week of my break. This leaves Monday open. Assuming other plans aren't made for me, I want to spend Monday setting up my space. For the most part everything is ready, but I want to download some pictures I took a few years ago, make some scans, and get things prepared for a couple of items that I am adding to this website.
After that week, I want to prepare a more regular schedule. On weekdays when I am not meeting someone or have other plans, I want to start each morning by being dressed and in my writing space by 8 am (unless I start the day playing tennis with my father, in which case I want to be in my space by 10 am). My plan is to put in at least four hours of constructive work each day. The following activities count as constructive: finishing the two projects that I want to add to this website that I have put off for the past couple of years (one for religion, one for D&D), working on formatting Dragon Hunter into an eBook (Does anyone know of a good graphic designer who is willing to make my cover; I have something specific in mind and would pay?), build my author presence online (creating a specific Facebook page, perhaps a Twitter account, perhaps tying this blog to a more commonly used blogger site), e-publishing some of my work, or just writing.
The rest of the day is mine unless I want to continue being productive. However, no more watching TV during lunch (especially on tennis days when I would need to get back to work). My summer video games are going to be the three Mass Effects that I recently acquired. At some point in the day, weather permitting, I would like to either "play" basketball, walk around the neighborhood, play some sort of outdoor game, or mow the lawn [see earlier post]. At some point in the evening, even though I have discovered it's not the best time for me to write, I will post in this blog.
Fridays have been spoken for. Saturdays are to relax, be with friends and family, etc. Sundays are for church, family, and relaxation.
... And that's my plan. I know; I know: "The best laid plans of mice and men ..." Still, I want to be an author and I know I can be a good one. I have to lay down a foundation to do this. I'm not getting younger (I've checked), so I need to start now.