The characters were certainly crazy rich. Not just rich, crazy rich, taking everything to lavish heights (sometimes literally). Yet so many of their lives were somehow less than the lives of many people whom I know. Almost all of the wealthy characters seemed trapped by the wealth, bored with it, or trying to get away from it.
While I have often had daydreams about earning millions of dollars with my writing (which would require me to write) or through some other spot of luck, I actually feel that such a windfall would cause more problems than it would solve. Certainly, I've thought that it would be nice to have that kind of money so that I "wouldn't have to worry about money again." However, it's been my observation that the exact opposite seems to happen: the more money one has, the more one worries about it.
I'm reminded of a quote which I saw recently (although I can't remember who said it): It is foolish to fall in love with money because money will always leave you for someone else.