As I've been thinking about this, I spent a little while looking through my shelves of materials in an effort to find that campaign. I'm glad that I organized each campaign into its own binder. However, I did not label any of the spines, so searching for the one I want has put me on a journey through multiple adventures and even campaign worlds from the past.
I've noticed that many of these campaigns have run through different game systems. Pool of Radiance is one that was designed for AD&D which I later redesigned for 3rd Edition and then my homebrewed 3.6. I think it should transition into 5th edition without too much work.
It's funny, as I look at these campaign binders, I realize that I have run games using the run systems from the original Dungeons and Dragons, Advanced D&D, an extended version of AD&D 2, 3rd Edition, 3.5, my homebrewed 3.6, and now 5th Edition. I've liked each system for its own reasons, but I think that I enjoyed 3.6 the best just because I got to tweak it in a way that made the most sense to me.
Yep. I think I'm up for DMing again for a little bit.