The month started with the beginning of Lent (well, with Mardi Gras). Basically, for the past thirty days, I have not managed to steadily keep to either my original plan or any of my backups. For that matter, I even made the mistake of eating meat on a Friday. I made up for it later, but I would not call Lent a success for me thus far.
Connor and I had a fantastic time on our trip to Washington D.C. It was a packed schedule, but I still did not get the full amount of time to see everything that I wanted. Still, it was the right amount of time to be gone, even if it set me behind in preparation for school. The experience inspired me to want to run some trips of my own to sites around the world, but the school district has placed many more hurdles in the way than I had expected.
Our dogs figured out how to jump their fence when the snow is high, requiring me to dig snow trenches soon after my return from D.C.
March is full of minor holidays that I get to let my students and coworkers know about [although, I missed Seward's Day].
I've started to actively work at setting up a D&D campaign for the near future.
I've also started to seriously consider adding Paramount+ to our streaming services.
Rowen and I got to tour the middle school together. He seems quite excited for the new experience.
I had to have Mera's tires replaced before one of them could explode.
I noticed that my eyesight has taken a turn for the worse (especially in my left eye).
And Janelle, Rowen, and I spent the weekend at Homer for his Native Youth Olympics competition. He competed in four events and got fifth place in one of them (the Alaskan One Foot High Kick).
It was a good month with plenty of pictures to capture many of its moments.