I had been intermittently writing on LiveJournal for over six years prior to that (starting on July 24, 2005, after I learned that I was hired at Lincoln and was leaving Colon). On LiveJournal I tried writing at least once a week, but was often lucky to write once a month. With the new site, I tried to write more frequently, but it wasn't until March 5, 2014, that I succeeded in doing so on a daily basis.
That day was Ash Wednesday, and I decided to take on a daily devotional writing as an extra duty for Lent. After that Triduum, on April 22, I decided to continue the daily writing practice, but I now shifted my focus to more secular matters. In homage to that start, I still try to keep my Sunday blog entries focused on my faith--usually discussing insights from the day's mass.
In August of 2015, I started sharing my posts on Facebook. I was having difficulty accessing my Weebly page on my breakneck paced trip up to Alaska, so I was writing my daily blogs on the Facebook app of my phone (due to a lack of time, my posts had been a little spotty anyway). Once I had access to a more stable Internet connection, I tried just writing on Weebly again, but enough people asked me to keep sharing my updates directly on Facebook (not just a link to my website) that I started to do exactly that--and have continued to do so through today.
Here I am 3000 posts later, each post taking between 15 minutes to a couple hours to write, usually with an average of about half an hour (that's 62 and a half days of nonstop writing if we go by the average). I was recently asked how long I plan on writing these blogs. It would free up time in my day (perhaps allowing me to get more sleep) if I stopped. However, I don't see myself stopping anytime soon.