I mention that because I injured my right shoulder this past Saturday evening. The boys and I were out playing catch. I went for a long pass, tripped in a hole left from the "landscaping" that was done before we moved into our house, slipped on the mud (I'm hoping it was mud and not moose presents as those are in that area), and landed hard on my right side. Now my right shoulder feels remarkably similar to what my left shoulder felt before.
I've been alternating ice, heat, and Icy Hot and have been using entirely too much ibuprofen for my blood pressure. The pain is at least a continuous annoyance, but when the ibuprofen wears off it feels like a spike is jammed in my shoulder. The pain radiates up my neck and down my arm and into my thumb and pinky finger. This has made for two excruciatingly restless nights.
However, if this follows the same pattern as the other shoulder, the pain should start diminishing tonight or tomorrow (or perhaps the day after--I'm a little fuzzy on the specifics). In the meantime, I am walking around with a dangling arm (the sling hurt this time) and an extremely short temper. I'm a huge baby when it comes to pain, so this is likely all overreaction on my part.
I just hope that it isn't anything more serious.