This is the second time that I had to appear at our local courthouse due to a jury summons. The last time, I was the first juror dismissed by the attorneys in two separate trials. This time, I never even made it to the juror seats. In both cases, my entire juror experience was wrapped up by noon.
I like the idea of juries and I feel that being on a jury is part of my civic duty. I think that I partially feel that I haven't been able to fulfill my role as a citizen by not yet serving as a juror. Possibly, I feel left out, like when choosing teams on the elementary playground, when I'm not chosen. Perhaps, I simply want to have a first-hand experience as a juror after watching jury trials on TV shows and movies, as well as listening to other peoples' juror experiences. I worry that my disappointment is because I like the idea of sitting in judgement over a person.
Perhaps I shouldn't be on a jury after all.